Simple installation

The new META Cherubini ecosystem is open to infinite possibilities.


Maximum freedom and simplicity for the installer. The configuration
can also be done from the remote control, as always.

Download the App

Launch of META by the end customer.

function for end user.

Immediate association to the Z-Wave network performed directly by the end user, without the need to access the motor.

Voice assistants

Remotely control home devices using the METAHome App,
voice assistants, button or remote control.

Existing systems

The Gateway allows the integration of both Z-Wave and Radio CRC Cherubini Remote Control RX devices, offering infinite functions for intelligent control of the sun protection.

Technical service

Our technical consultants are at your disposal.

Request more information.

We are at your disposal to give you all the information you want on the functions, technical data and distribution of our META ecosystem.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact your trusted Cherubini agent or use our contact form directly.

Contact us.

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